
Email Justin


Financial Planner


Justin works alongside other Triune advisors to create a comprehensive client experience that helps clients understand their current situation, so they can make decisions that are aligned with their goals.

Justin began his career in the financial services industry in 2017 as a Financial Planning Associate before joining Triune Financial Partners in 2019. “My dream client is someone whose situation is complex with several moving pieces, so I can help them organize and simplify their financial affairs.” Justin also enjoys working with clients who are about to enter retirement because there are many critical pieces to navigate such as living expenses, Social Security and Medicare, estate planning and wealth transfer and helping them answer the questions, “How much is enough and am I on track to accomplish my goals in retirement?”

One thing Justin wants everyone to know is that gaining financial freedom and clarity helps alleviate stress. “I grew up in a family that ‘didn't have money,’ but later I realized we had money, but it wasn't spent wisely which created a lot of stress.” My goal is to help clients develop a plan so their money becomes a tool that empowers them achieve their goals and tackle many of life’s events.

Justin is married to Samantha, and they are both involved at Saint Thomas More Catholic Parish where he is a lector, extraordinary minister, and chair of the finance committee. He enjoys spending time with his 1-year-old son, golfing, endless home projects, and playing with his two golden retrievers, Pebbles and Ellie.